Recovering from surgery

In March 2019, one of our customers underwent surgery to remove a tumour that was growing around her spinal cord. Prior to the surgery she was experiencing occasional numbness in her feet, and would lose her balance if she turned too quickly.

Shortly before her operation, she started using Stealth Movement Socks.

Stealth Movement Socks gave her confidence in moving around on slippery surfaces prior to her operation, and provided warmth and security for the first few days following surgery. The true benefit of Stealth Movement Socks came with the confidence she felt when her Physiotherapist arrived at her hospital bed and asked her to place her feet on the floor for the first time. With all that she had been through, it was reassuring for her to have good contact with the floor.

She has not looked back since her surgery, and has been able to perform all exercises provided by her physiotherapist with stability and peace of mind. Stealth movement socks have become a part of her daily life, whether for security while walking on the tiles around the house, or while doing daily exercises, her socks are essential for peace of mind and to keep her health at her personal best.


Image of Stealth Movement Grip Socks worn on a concrete surface with a beach in the background. The model is standing on her toes, showcasing the white grips underneath.